Friday, December 21, 2018

Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad Act of 2018! Let's get this passed!

Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad Act of 2018! Let's get this passed!
Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad Act of 2018! Let's get this passed! Contact info for key players: IRS Medic

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Six Ways to avoid GILTI: How to beat the Global Intangible Low Tax Income

Six Ways to avoid GILTI: How to beat the Global Intangible Low Tax Income
Full article: What is GILTI: GILTI help :There are six possible ways I know of to avoid, or perhaps more accurately, mitigate GILTI tax exposure. By this time, you probably know that GILTI stands for Global Intangible Low Tax Income. In previous videos I explained the rough idea of what GILTI is and in the next video of this series I will be discussing how to calculate GILTI liabilities. After calculating GILTI liabilities you may now realize how important this topics is. So be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on important topics. So now let’s get to those six ways. First, you can elect to covert GILTI to subpart F income. Now you might be scratching your head on this. If you understand a little about international taxation you know that Subpart F is something to be avoided. However GILTI can be so bad, that it can make Subpart F seem good! The second way is a little bit more opaque. You can increase something call QBAI. QBAI stands for Qualified Business Asset Investments. There are a few ways to do this. For instance one can purchase equipment that has been previously leased. The downside is that just because someone is a shareholder in a Controlled Foreign Corporation it does not mean that they can actually control the corporation enough in order to implement this strategy. Management might not be all that hip to this idea. And second, this is a business decision that could have negative effects to cash flow. You might solve a GILTI problem but you could end up with a business problem. Third, GILTI is NOT calculated on a company basis. It is done on a shareholder basis. And what’s worse is that losses in one CFC may not get full credit against gains of another CFC. The way to make sure you don’t miss out on any of your losses is by combining CFCs. Forth, simply avoid either CFC status or US shareholder status. The problem with this is tax reform expanded the definition of what it means to be have a CFC status. However, by adjusting ownership levels with non-US owners, you may be able to find a great solution that avoids this entire mess. The downside is this is not feasible for many people and second, you need to watch those attribution rules — which also have changed for the worse. When you have related parties, you might be considered to have CFC even though you would otherwise not if the parties were not related. The fifth way, and this is proving to be the winner for many of our clients, is to funnel all shares in foreign corporations into a domestic US holding company. This was an overriding theme of the 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act — bring capital back to the US. The reason it works is that US C corporations are allowed to do something US individuals are not. Take what is known as a Section 250 deduction of 50% of GILTI. The downsides are that this does require extra hurdles of having a US domestic corporation which you must honor the corporate formalities of and an additional tax filing requirement of the domestic corporation. However, if your GILTI liabilities are even as low as say $20,000 or even $10,000, it still could be worth the hassle to create this structure. A sixth way I can think of is this. What about putting shares of a CFC into a Private Placement Life Insurance Policy or PPLI. PPLIs are used by the most sophisticated investors for what I consider to be the ultimate tax structure. Essentially how it works is that your assets go into a life insurance policy and you borrow from the death benefit while you are alive. And because death benefits are tax free, you’ve essential avoided all income taxes — both federal and state. This is an even better move to make if you happen to be in a high tax jurisdiction like California or New York. The downside is that life insurance turns most people off, and these are complicated structures and require a flexibility that so many business owners are unwilling to exercise. Additionally the costs are intense. Typically it only starts making sense when you have about $10 million in assets. We are woking on ways to reduce the cost, I’d love to hear from anyone who was able to implement a PPLI for for someone with less in assets. And also, I have yet to hear of a PPLI that has been implemented strictly with CFC stock. There are diversity requirements of a PPLI’s portfolio that could force you to sell your stock so much so that you could no longer have that CFC or US shareholder status. Also you must be very committed to following the structure. People get into trouble with PPLIs when they don’t take the rules seriously. Are there other ways you can think of to eliminate or mitigate GILTI? I’d love to hear about them. Please leave them in the comments below. Parent & Parent LLP 144 South Main Street Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 269-6699 IRS Medic

Friday, December 7, 2018

International Tax Reform December 2018 Updates FATCA - TTFI - GILTI

International Tax Reform December 2018 Updates FATCA - TTFI - GILTI
MORE HERE: Tax Reform 1.0, aka the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 has some very unpleasant surprises for those with income and assets overseas. The good news is there is a stand alone bi-partisan legislation that will be presented for Congress to vote on and for President Trump to sign into law that will allow Americans living overseas to "opt-out" of the US tax code by simply filing a certificate that they are in compliance foe the past three years and now live outside the US. If this is passed into law, the burdens of compliance for the US exapt will be greatly reduced. In this video, Advocate for Americans Overseas, Keith Redmond and Attorney John Richardson of join tax attorney Anthony E. Parent as they discuss the proposed laws, regulations and potential law suit that could greatly help those frustrated by a tax regime that seems rather out of control. In particular the three discuss - An end to Citizenship-Based taxation and replacing it with a true territorial tax system - Potential relief for The Transition Tax (Section 965) and Global Intangible Low Tax Income (GILTI) along with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). - The IRS's offshore disclosure program for those with criminal exposure. While the acronym has stayed the same as OVDP, it now stands for Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Practice instead he prior Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program. The three agree that very few expats should ever be scared into an OVDP and if a disclosure program is needed, a Streamlined Disclosure is far for preferential. Ultimately what is needed right now from everyone concerned is unity. No matter your political affilication, the law needs to be changed. The law fails to raise revenue effectively and it is just morally wrong to tax people who are tax residents of outher countries. It is essential that everyone contact Congress and makes their voices be heard: Territorial Tax for Individuals must pass! Parent & Parent LLP 144 South Main Street Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 269-6699 IRS Medic

International Tax Reform December 2018 Updates FATCA - TTFI - GILTI

International Tax Reform December 2018 Updates FATCA - TTFI - GILTI
Tax Reform 1.0, aka the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 has some very unpleasant surprises for those with income and assets overseas. The good news is there is a stand alone bi-partisan legislation that will be presented for Congress to vote on and for President Trump to sign into law that will allow Americans living overseas to "opt-out" of the US tax code by simply filing a certificate that they are in compliance foe the past three years and now live outside the US. If this is passed into law, the burdens of compliance for the US exapt will be greatly reduced. In this video, Advocate for Americans Overseas, Keith Redmond and Attorney John Richardson of join tax attorney Anthony E. Parent as they discuss the proposed laws, regulations and potential law suit that could greatly help those frustrated by a tax regime that seems rather out of control. In particular the three discuss - An end to Citizenship-Based taxation and replacing it with a true territorial tax system - Potential relief for The Transition Tax (Section 965) and Global Intangible Low Tax Income (GILTI) along with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). - The IRS's offshore disclosure program for those with criminal exposure. While the acronym has stayed the same as OVDP, it now stands for Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Practice instead he prior Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program. The three agree that very few expats should ever be scared into an OVDP and if a disclosure program is needed, a Streamlined Disclosure is far for preferential. Ultimately what is needed right now from everyone concerned is unity. No matter your political affilication, the law needs to be changed. The law fails to raise revenue effectively and it is just morally wrong to tax people who are tax residents of outher countries. It is essential that everyone contact Congress and makes their voices be heard: Territorial Tax for Individuals must pass! Parent & Parent LLP 144 South Main Street Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 269-6699 IRS Medic