Tuesday, June 23, 2020

How to Renounce Your US Citizenship: A Quick Start Guide

How to Renounce Your US Citizenship: A Quick Start Guide
Other Links: Common Questions on Renouncing US Citizenship https://youtu.be/j-ldR0VncF0 Dedicated podcast on answering specific US and hypothetical questions https://ift.tt/2V8jm9p https://ift.tt/1pShFnD American Exptriates 2.0 on FaceBook Https:/www.irsmedic.com https://youtu.be/jPl2QGFsAl8 IRS Medic

Monday, June 15, 2020

Renouncing your US citizenship: Top Questions Answered.

Renouncing your US citizenship: Top Questions Answered.
Questions about renouncing your US citizenship. This video might answer some Joining attorney Anthony E. Parent are Keith Redmond, global advocate oft he America abroad and admin of American Expatriates 2.0 on Facebook, along with attorneys John Richardson of citizenshipsolutions.ca as they answer the most common questions people have about their relinquishing or renouncing their US citizenship FAQs includes: Can you actually renounce your US citizenship? Do you have to renounce your citizenship to become a US citizen? How long does it take to renounce your citizenship? Can you renouncing your US citizenship and still remain in the US? Get you get your citizenship back after renouncing? Can you get a green card after renouncing? Can you get a visa after renouncing? Is giving up a green card the same as renouncing? How do you renounce your citizenship? Does it matter when you made an act? What about taxes? What if you are not in tax compliance and renounce? = Is there a cheaper way to get into tax compliance? What if I don’t qualify for the Streamlined Disclosure Program? What about the US exit tax? If you are born with dual citizenship are you still subject to the exit tax? If you have questions, leave them below in the comments below! https://youtu.be/j-ldR0VncF0 IRS Medic