Wednesday, May 21, 2014

4. IRS Advantage

4. IRS Advantage

My father and founding partner, David G. Parent served as a medic in the US Army. When I was a kid, I asked him -- "medic" a word I never heard before, "dad, what does a medic do?" He told me "well, when a soldier is in trouble, we get them out harms' way safely and quickly." And that is exactly why we decided on IRSMedic for our name. That is exactly what we do -- taxpayers in trouble --- we are going to get to a safe place. Right now. An IRS problem, untreated and mistreated can destroy your life. That is a crazy truth in a land where we are supposedly our own government. And politicians shouldn't let the IRS do run wild over you and other citizens the way they do. But however bad you feel, others have felt as bad or worse. And in every case, they all felt enormous relief with our approach. Yes we are a law firm, but we are also down to earth and accessible. That why we completely believe in the IRSMedic brand that we created. We never hide behind language you might not understand. We meet you where you are. We really listne before prescribing a solution. That's the IRSMedic advantage. Anthony Parent

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