Friday, June 3, 2016

Commonly asked questions people ask before hiring IRSMedic

Commonly asked questions people ask before hiring IRSMedic Watch this video to find out the answers to the most frequently asked question our clients have before deciding to hire us. 1. Are all communications subject to the attorney-client privilege? Yes. 2. Is the telephone call recorded? No. We do not record calls. 3. What happens to my information if I decide not to hire you or you decide not to take my case? Any physical information is actually shredded, any digital information is virtually shredded. In either case, the information is impossible to recover. 4. Can you give me a ballpark fee of what your services will cost prior to me schedule a consultation? No. We would love to,but because each case is so fact dependent, it is impossible. We can tell we are not the lowest cost tax team. But we can also tell you that our fees tend to be lower than "Big Law" or what the "Big Four" charges. Also, we do not charge hourly, so we can give you a guaranteed fixed price quote at the end of the consultation process. 5. How secure is your secure document exchange (SDE)? The connection between your computer and our server has the highest level of encryption allowed by law. Moreover, the SDE is actually not on the internet. Its address is secret and fairly impossible to guess. hackers would have a difficult time finding the SDE, let alone hacking into it. While there are systems as secure as our SDE, we don't know if there any any systems more secure, outside those employed by sovereign nations. 6. How do you figure out what my fee will be? Why are your fees so low/high? Our fees are calculated based on our experience of seeing cases from start to finish. This also includes a warranty on our work to fix mistakes caused by the IRS failing to follow their own procedures, and a guarantee to fix any mistakes we may have made. Yes, sometimes that happens. Our flat fee means we have no incentive to create additional work. 7. Could I just hire a CPA or do this myself? You could do whatever you want to do. But something is telling you that you shouldn’t hire a CPA or do it yourself, right? That’s why you are considering hiring someone like us. If you feel the IRS is an agency with limited power, that always works in the boundaries of the law, that always works to a fair result, that follows a clear logic process…if you think the IRS understands its own rules, and if you think you can understand them and implement them to effect the perfect strategy, then sure, why not. Our clients look at the IRS as a mortal threat to their financial security. The question to ask yourself to figure out if you are making the right decision in hiring a firm like ours, is if you see the same risks. 9. What happens if I need tax preparation for original or amended returns? What happens if those returns are complicated? At many law firms, in addition, you will also have to hire a CPA firm. Not so at IRSMedic. We handle all accounting and tax preparation work work in-house. We find this structure gives us a built-in advantage: it creates a more consistent, more timely work product. And complicated tax issues are our specialty. 10. How much money can you save me?...Approximately how much will my settlement be?...How long will it take to resolve my case? Can I just paid what I originally owed…Can you lower my penalties? We’ve grouped these questions together because we can answer them all the same way…it depends. The IRS is a poorly organized, insanely large organization. They don’t always follow their own rules, and will sometimes make decisions based on emotion (which they really shouldn’t be doing). After doing this for over 10 years, and working on thousands of cases, we still can’t predict how the IRS will act. Every case is different. Our flat fee billing ensures that we will be efficient and will work hard to get everything done correctly the first time. 11. Will the IRS remove penalties and interest? They might remove penalties, but will not remove interest (yet they will remove interest that was running on abated penalties). 12. Will the IRS assume I’m “guilty” if I hire an attorney? We’ve had IRS employees straight up tell us they deal with people who hire attorneys differently – but in a good way. They are much less likely to try to walk all over you. Hiring legal representation for an IRS issue doesn’t make you look guilty. It makes you look like you take the power of the IRS seriously. Other attorneys and partners at Big Four accounting firms routinely hire us. Even though they know they could potentially handle their IRS issue, they also know the stakes are far too high to take unnecessary risks. IRS Medic

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